Saturday, March 10, 2007

Kick in the Pants

Lolly Knitting Around posted recently about biting the bullet and finishing a sweater that has been "in progress" since last year.

Oh, if I had a nickel for every unfinished project in my bins...I would have tons of money to buy more yarn! (But not until 2008, of course.)

The winner for longest-wallowing-project is a sweater I started for Mr. Hipp before we were married. Actually, I started it before we were even engaged. Does anyone else have an unfinished project from 2001?

Yeah, six years. Pretty embarrassing. All it needs is a front, some seaming, and a neckband. For some unexplained reason, I just lost interest in the project. Maybe I was subconsciously worried about the sweater curse? Presumably not an issue now that we are married, so I guess I need to get my butt in gear and just finish the darn thing.

Also in the wallowing pool is a modified version of the Ram's Horn Jacket from Knitting Nature. I saw that I was running low on yarn, so I shortened the sleeves from full-length the three-quarters in hopes of having enough left over for the fabulous ram's horn collar,
which is kind of the whole point of the jacket. The sleeves, fronts, and back are done, and I've started seaming it together.

I still have to knit the bands for the front edges of the cardigan and the collar. I am still worried that I don't have enough yarn for the collar. Putting the project aside for a while seemed easier than doing the math to know if I really don't have enough yarn or searching the internet for more yarn. My gosh, how lazy can I be!

I am going to take Lolly's example as inspiration and return these two projects to the "active" pile. I need more freaking finished objects to show you!

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